PC Games by Holy Warp

These are 2 PC games by Holy Warp, listed in the PCGameBenchmark system requirements database.

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Speed Kills System Requirements
0 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2014
Speed Kills System Requirements
Action-packed death racing, this is what Speed Kills is about! Traditional, isometric, powered by Unreal Engine. Players compete in various championships, ranging from bootleg rallies on the outskirts of the galaxy to big-league circuits set against the goliat...
Chaos Domain System Requirements
2 Players (24 hours)
Released in 2014
Chaos Domain System Requirements
Chaos Domain is a game about shooting bad people in the face. Apart from that, it is also a run and gun platformer, powered by Unreal Engine. The game is highly influenced by games from 8-bit and 16-bit era, including Contra/Probotector series, as well as titl...