These are 33 PC games by SOFTSTAR ENTERTAINMENT, listed in the PCGameBenchmark system requirements database.
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The Bridge Curse:Road to Salvation System Requirements
Fear, anxiety, and laughter are the symbol of youth. Experience the true paranormal haunting with your friends from the first-person perspective and stay alive. The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation is an adaptation of a horror film, includes Taiwanese urban lege...
飛天歷險(Dream Of Mirror Online) System Requirements
Tales of Three Kingdoms: The Mortal World System Requirements
Dou Fu, who has always tried to live a low-key life in the chaotic period, gets involved in different events after meeting the “Princess” from the Han Dynasty. The choices he makes will lead them to different endings…...
Richman 4 System Requirements
*** This game is only available in Chinese ***《大富翁4》为掷骰子回合制桌上游戏,玩家在游玩时,除可购买土地、股票外,还可投资公司、参加拍卖,过足富豪瘾。游戏支持单人、多人游玩,玩家既可以与...
Xuan-Yuan Sword V System Requirements
*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 本游戏为回合制RPG。主角陆承轩身负强大力量却无法控制,阴差阳错来到神话中的山海界,在此结识了众多不同物种的奇妙伙伴,一路抽丝剥茧,解开山海界、黄...
Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Cloud of Han System Requirements
*** This game is only available in Chinese ***单人回合制角色扮演游戏。三国时代初年,大汉丞相诸葛亮在数年的休息生养之后,毅然决定展开北伐复兴大业。然而此时此刻谁也没有想到,汉军中突然出现一�...
軒轅劍外傳 雲之遙 System Requirements
***This game is only available in Chinese*** 本作故事发生在风起云涌的三国时代。洛阳少年徐暮云,与青梅竹马兰茵、张诰相交甚笃,一同习剑成长。希望有朝一日能以一身武艺协助恩师张郃,报效朝廷。�...
Sword and Fairy Inn System Requirements
李逍遙十五歲那年某日,李大娘突然有事遠行,將客棧交給李逍遙代管,因緣際會下,趙靈兒、林月如、阿奴三人相繼出現,成為客棧的一份子,四人在一年的時間裡共同經營客棧。 當客棧日漸興�...
The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication System Requirements
Try to escape with your life in a first-person survival horror adventure. Play through the eyes of four distinct characters as you evade and confront terrifying ghosts, unravel mind-bending puzzles, and unearth a sinister conspiracy…...
Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains System Requirements
This Game is one of the most popular RPGs in the Chinese Speaking Area and has won many awards around Asia. The game story takes place in an era of collision between East and West, covering a wide range, spanning Eurasia, the Arab World, Francia, and China....
Sword and Fairy Inn 2 System Requirements
“Swords and Fairy Inn2 ” is a game developed by Softstar Entertainment. It includes the type of RPG, casual, simulation in it. Many roles of Sword and Fairy series come from different place to work in this Inn, live and build a warm peace family together....
Incantation System Requirements
A mother, searching for her lost daughter, stumbles into a strange cult village. "Incantation" is a first-person horror game. It reveals the chilling story behind the "Chen Family Village". What are the consequences of crossing dark boundar...