Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 System Requirements

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 System Requirements - full specs, system checker and the gaming PC setup you need.

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 minimum requirements

  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Graphics Card: Unknown
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-12400T
  • File Size: 50 MB
  • OS: Windows® 10(*Japanese Ver. only)

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 recommended specs

  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Graphics Card: Unknown
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-12400T
  • File Size: 50 MB
  • OS: Windows® 10(*Japanese Ver. only)

Can you run it? Test your computer against Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 system requirements.

Can I Run Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐?

The cheapest graphics card you can play it on is a modern graphics card. The minimum memory requirement for Ishin no Arashi is 2 GB of RAM installed in your computer. An Intel Core i5-12400T CPU is required at a minimum to run Ishin no Arashi. You will need at least 50 MB of free disk space to install Ishin no Arashi.

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 will run on PC system with Windows® 10(*Japanese Ver. only) and upwards.

Looking for an upgrade? Try our easy to use Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 set up guides to find the best cards. Filter for Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 graphics card comparison and CPU compare. We'll help you find the best deal for the right gear to run the game.

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 FPS - what frame rate can you expect?

How many FPS will I get on Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐? An FPS Monitor is the first step in understanding how the parts in your gaming PC are actually performing in real-world conditions. It's the perfect way to track Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 FPS drops and stutters.

Download our free FPS Monitor via Overwolf to count your frame rates as you play, and test how tweaks to your settings can boost FPS and increase Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 performance. Our app is compatible with hundreds of the best PC games and available now.

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 System Requirements PC Graph - Can I Run Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐
Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 System Requirements - Can You Run Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐?

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 Details

Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 PC Specs
   Player Count 1 Players (Last 24 Hours)
   Download Via Steam
   Category Strategy
   Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 Release Date 21st of March 2017
   Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐 PC price today $12.99
What is Ishin no Arashi / 維新の嵐?

"Ishin no Arashi" was released in 1988. Its story takes place at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Players become one of the 12 key figures of the time, like Ryouma Sakamoto, Kaishuu Katsu, and Takamori Saigou.